Evaluating Job Offers

Assess everything – not just salary – before you accept an offer.

Evaluating Job Offers

Congratulations! Now what?

Evaluating your offer goes beyond the salary (although that’s important too!) Here are some questions to ask yourself to make a sound decision.

  • Questions to ask yourself before you accept a job offer
  • Options to consider when you don’t have many options

Questions to Ask

Ideally you would be thrilled with the answers to the above questions in every area of your job offer evaluation. But realistically, that may not always be the case. Then it’s important to ask yourself some tough questions: 

  • Do I have other offers on the table? 
  • What is the economy and unemployment rate like right now? 
  • Am I likely to get a better offer? 
  • What are my current financial needs? 
  • Can this job be a steppingstone along my path, even if it isn’t my dream job?