An Introduction to Internships
Internships can be a great way to test out an industry or role.
Why should you consider an internship?
You will experience that in the best of internships, true career mentoring, supervision, and informational interview opportunities are provided.
Keep Reading to Learn:
- What an internship is
- The benefits of an internship
- Ways to identify career and industry interests
Different from a job!
- Short term: last for one semester, summer or longer and may be part-time or full-time
- Exposure to a variety of functions in an organization
- Hand-on works develop professional skills and may be paid or unpaid.
- You may have one internship or more!
Potential Outcomes
- Resume building experience in a professional setting.
- Marketable skills development.
- The connection between academics and the real world.
- Insights into careers, industries and/or organizations of interest. Network of professional contacts.
- A job offer! Many organizations use internships as long-term interviews for recruitment.
Determine what you seek.
Field of Interest?
Can you identify fields of interest to you? e.g. management, communications, human resources, psychology, information technology
Industry of Interest?
Can you identify industries/sectors of interest to you? e.g. non-profit social services, insurance, banking, software development, manufacturing
Next Steps
Learn What Kind of Work Do You Want to Do
Reference resources in the related links section to further identify potential interests, careers, and connections to your major.
- Utilize PathwayU to evaluate values and interests, receive recommendations for career paths that align.
- Learn titles of roles to consider searching for and information on what is needed to pursue each type of career.
- Research common career outcomes for graduates within your majors.
- Talk to your professors or a Career Educator about the fields you’re interested in.