We meet every Wednesday at 7:15 am in MSL 244. All are welcome to attend. Email Student Government President Monica …
Law Student Government Association
American Constitutional Society
Contemporary American constitutional discourse is frequently entrenched in competing liberal and conservative ideologies. The result has been a legal and …
Black Law Student Association
The purpose of the St. Thomas Black Law Students Association (BLSA) is to utilize the collective resources of members to:
Queer Straight Alliance
Our mission is to foster respect and equality for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Intersex, Pansexual, Asexual, Gender Non-Conforming, Non-Binary, Plus …
The St. Thomas Veterans’ Association shall provide military-veteran students with an organization to call their own that will allow them …
To provide dancers with an outlet for their talent, while improving the community both inside and outside the University of …
The University of St. Thomas Theater Club is an organization consisting of students who both participate in and appreciate all …
The purpose of this organization is to provide a group for all students on campus who want to learn to …
By following the long-standing tradition of college A Cappella, The Summit Singers strive to provide the highest quality musical entertainment …