Better teachers for better kids; providing Technology & Engineering educators with professional development, quality resources & best practices.
The Minnesota Technology and Engineering Educators Association focuses on what is of value to students and supportive of teachers in the field; is dedicated to local and national technology organizations; and makes a difference in the quality of education in our state.
An Organization that:
- Sponsors a Fall Conference – the single best place to find out what’s going on in teaching technology with presentations, demonstrations and commercial vendors.
- Is instrumental in advocating for inclusion of technology as a Minnesota graduation outcome.
- Works cooperatively with the Minnesota Department of Education to develop teachers licensure, program standards and other matters of mutual concern.
- Hosted the ITEA/ITEEA Conference 1992, 2011 and 2023.
- Networks with organizations like SciMath Minnesota, the Minnesota Association for Career and Technical Education, the Minnesota High Tech Associationand the Minnesota Precision Manufacturing Association to promote teaching about technology.
- Was instrumental in passing legislation to have state universities review their entrance requirements regarding technology.
- Sponsors competitions and workshops for technology teachers and students.
- Recognizes teachers for their accomplishments with awards for outstanding teachers, programs, 25-year awards and retiree awards.