It is the mission of MnSTA to stimulate, coordinate, and improve science teaching and learning for all.
This Corporation is organized exclusively for educational purposes. More specifically:
- To promote development of active interest in the natural sciences and related disciplines among students and teachers at all levels, public and private, and the general public;
- To provide opportunities for the exchange of ideas and materials regarding instruction in the natural sciences, etc., among teachers, public and private, and the general public, through educational programs, such as discussion groups, forums, panels, lectures and publications;
- To further the study of problems relating to the teaching of the natural sciences, etc., at the elementary , secondary and college levels, public and private;
- To cooperate with school districts and state, national and international educational agencies and organizations to encourage and work for the improvement of classroom instruction in the natural sciences, etc., for all elementary, secondary and college students;
- To work for the improvement of science safety conditions in the classroom and laboratory for students and teachers at all levels, public and private, through laws, rules and regulations and by dissemination of information through MnSTA periodical, electronic, and special publications; and
- To accomplish the above purposes through conducting and sponsoring conventions, conferences, workshops, forums, panels and lectures of an educational nature both statewide and within MnSTA’s various regions in the state of Minnesota, for members, others involved or interested in natural science education and related disciplines, and the general public, and encouraging periodical educational activities related to the natural sciences, etc., for public and private school students.