Alumni Advice: Showing Gratitude

This time of year, we are pausing to give thanks for the many incredible students, alumni, faculty and staff that make up the Tommie Network. In particular, we are grateful for the thousands of alumni who have volunteered to share their career insights on St. Thomas Connect. We asked them, “What are effective ways that Tommies can effectively express gratitude throughout their career journeys?” You can learn from these words of wisdom below!

Interested in finding a mentor of your own? Search for alumni on St. Thomas Connect who have volunteered to support your career journey.

“Every Thanksgiving, reviewing your contacts list of friends, mentors, alumni, and colleagues can be helpful. Then send a short personal message to each, expressing how they’ve supported you through your journey and wishing them well. While such a task can seem effortful at first, the impact a small gesture like this can make is enormous in terms of making those you message feel valued; especially in the context of your wider relationship with them. It’s an excellent way to practice intentional gratitude and provides opportunities for reflection on just how much others have been involved in the paradigm of your professional and personal journey.

Eshan Varma

By Marit Aaseng
Marit Aaseng Assistant Director of Alumni and Graduate Career Services